How to Read an Asthma Spirometry Test for Lung Function

Understanding an Asthma Spirometry Test

Spirometry tests are some of the most effective ways of diagnosing and prescribing a course of treatment for a massive range of lung problems. One of its most common and effective uses is in the treatment of asthma, however, it also assists in spirometry COPD diagnosis. This short guide will help you understand what an asthma spirometry test measures and how it can be used to treat the condition so patients can get on the right road to respiratory health.

1) What Information The Test Provides

The first thing you need to understand is the type of information that pulmonary function tests provide. The most common things that they assess include:

  • Blockage of airways
  • In what ways lung diseases may be obstructing breathing
  • The sensitivity of the airways
  • If current medications are effective or not
  • How the functioning of your lungs has changed over a certain period

Best of all, since it is a simple test. It can be performed on the vast majority of adults and children aged five or older.

2) What Exactly is the Test

If a patient is suffering from asthma or other lung conditions then they may already be familiar with the asthma spirometry test. It’s very simple. The process is to breathe into a machine or the spirometer and it will bring up your results.

Unlike other medical tests, it is quite simple and painless. There are typically three phases. Patients need to inhale as deeply as possible and then exhale as rapidly and as long as they can. You do this three times. That’s it!

If a person is suffering from some problems that make this difficult, there is nothing to worry about at all. Patients can take their time in between tests and, if necessary, be given medicine, usually Albuterol, to open up their airways to make the test easier.

3) What Happens Next

The test measures a few different variables. Two common tests are the FVC and the FEV. The most important is the FEV which means the forced expiratory volume and the FVC which means the forced vital capacity. For an FVC value in children, anything that is less than 80% should be considered abnormal and get treated right away. In adults, anything less than the lower limit of normal should be a red flag. Doctors look at these numbers together to see essentially how well a patient’s lungs are functioning as compared to other people with similar ages, weight, gender and other ranges.

The asthma spirometry test will determine the course of action a doctor takes. This will help determine what types of medicine may be necessary to ensure proper lung health treatment and function.

4) Following Up

After the asthma spirometry test, diagnosis, and treatment, a patient should be good to go. From here a patient will want to schedule an annual exam with a lung doctor to check back and chart your lung function over time. This will help determine if the patient needs a change of treatment as well as monitoring their health over time.

A Simple Test for A Healthier Patient

Lung health problems can be a scary thing for both the patient and their families. Fortunately, the asthma spirometry test is about as easy as they come. With the Depisteo Spirolyser Q13, there are no needles, no stress just some breathing exercises. Patients are just advised to wear light, comfortable clothing on exam day and they’ll be all set to go!