The Importance of a Slow Vital Capacity Spirometry Test

Types of Tests for Measuring Lung Health

With each breath you take, it should be clear to you that nothing is more important than the health of your lungs. Your whole body depends on them for the oxygen it needs to survive and thrive. These days, there are a variety of different tests out there that can be used to assess the health of your lungs. Through the use of a spirometer, there can be a variety of different tests including slow vital capacity, forced vital capacity, and maximum voluntary ventilation. The slow vital capacity spirometry exam is one of the most popular because of its ability to measure a range of different diseases and diagnose a host of lung conditions. It is quick, efficient, and lowers the risk of cross-contamination. Best of all, through a Spirolyser Q13, the exam is simple and results come quickly.

What is Spirometry?

Spirometry is a broad term that refers to a series of different tests. If you have suffered any breathing problems in the past you have likely had a variant of one of these tests before where you blow air into a machine. The device measures how much air someone can inhale and exhale and can be used to diagnose and prescribe treatment for conditions like asthma, COPD, and many more. The slow vital capacity spirometry test is just one of the many health exams used with a spirometer.  Using a spirometer on your patients is also very simple.

Slow Vital Capacity Spirometry:

The slow vital capacity spirometry test is quite similar to the forced vital capacity test which is when you exhale as hard and fast as possible and your results are compared to others within your age, gender, and weight range.

The difference with this test, as its name might imply, is that you exhale slowly. In this case, the patients inhale completely and then slowly exhales all of the air in his or her lung. Then the test is performed in reverse and you inspire gradually until the maximum point.

Why Is This Test Important?

Although the slow vital capacity spirometry test might seem similar to other spirometry tests, it is very important for a few reasons. Most vitally, it can be used to determine if there is an airway obstruction and this information can then used to determine how to solve some breathing issues.

Another complicating factor of lung tests is the weight of patients. There are many negative health effects of obesity. Obesity has an impact on respiratory health, but how it impacts a forced vital capacity test’s result is still unclear so the slow vital capacity test is a better measure in this case. Finally, elderly patients or those suffering from neurological conditions may have some trouble with the forced vital tests and the slow vital capacity spirometry test is easier and less stress on the body.

It’s All About Your Respiratory Health

When there is a problem with your respiratory health, it can be scary and from allergies to disease or infection, there can be numerous reasons you might not be feeling well. Nonetheless, nowadays there is a range of different tests including the slow vital capacity spirometry test that can be used to help you understand what the issue is and how to get back on the road to good health.