Your Optometrist Versus Online Eye Exams

When it comes to the matter of eye care, people have access to a wide array of technology. The spirometers and vision screening devices from Depisteo provide optometrists with the equipment necessary for conducting eye exams. However, some people have taken to conducting eye exams on their own via smartphone eye exams. Before taking an eye exam, one should consider the differences between both of these approaches, as detailed below.



For some, convenience is a factor to take into consideration when deciding what type of eye exam to take. You have to schedule an appointment to see an optometrist in-person. However, some may prefer not to make an appointment and work it around a personal schedule. For this reason, online eye exams may look more appealing. Simply three short tests, and then the person taking the exam is finished. An online exam could let you know whether you need glasses or whether you are colorblind. However, such a quick eye exam would not provide as comprehensive of an assessment of your vision or detect any underlying issues.



There are some things that one may not be able to detect simply from taking an online vision exam. It can be very limited in that it only measures visual acuity and refractive error. An in-person exam would be more detailed and benefit a patient experiencing vision problems. For example, a patient who has astigmatism would need a trained professional to tell them, because an online test would not detect even slight astigmatism.

Furthermore, patients who have blurry vision or depth perception problems might also have trouble conducting and comprehending online vision tests on their own. Those tests would not be as accurate as in-person tests with trained optometrists, who would be able to clarify whatever medical vocabulary may be confusing to the patients. 

Acuity vision tests conducted by optometrists would include the Snellen Eye Chart (to test the clarity of vision from a distance) and the Random “E” Test (during which patients would have to state which direction the letter “E” is facing). During these tests, optometrists would be able to allow access to various lenses. While online tests could reveal that visual problems exist, in-person exams would be more thorough.



As stated above, online eye exams seem quicker, easier, and less time-consuming. However, it is essential to be examined at the right time for the amount of time necessary. If a patient is experiencing the early stages of glaucoma, they need to know sooner rather than later. An online exam might not help them realize what they are experiencing, but an in-person exam would. 

The vision screening devices used by optometrists would be more accurate, and it is better to be safe than sorry. You might be able to “save time” by taking an online test, but that can be a bit of a risk. In the end, it is better to spend a bit of additional time well to get an accurate assessment before your eye health impacts your personal life.


See the Benefits

As easy as an online eye exam may seem in comparison, it cannot replace the thoroughness of an in-person exam with an optometrist. It is more beneficial to use such devices as the Depisteo vision screener in the company of a professional, who would then be able to help one understand whatever vision problems they may be enduring. A smartphone may be convenient, but it cannot completely replace a trained professional. So rather than fret about saving up some time, make an appointment and experience a comprehensive procedure that would but your eye care in capable hands.