General FAQs
Vision Products
Respiration Products

General FAQs

2 years for the VT1®, Visioclick® (excluding headphones and accessories) and Spirolyser Q13®. Upon purchase of a device, you can take the 3-year warranty extension option.
Firstly, please have the serial number of your device(s) ready. This number is located on the labels affixed to our devices, preceded by “SN”. Then let us know about the reason of the return and the serial # and we explain to you how to proceed.

Vision Products

When performing the hyperopia test, the VT1 automatically adds an additional diopter.The addition of this diopter (correction) may be too much for some patients who do not need it to see properly. So if a patient sees better with this diopter it means that they probably have hyperopia and conversely, if vision is blurred, there is no tendency towards hyperopia.
The VT1 is a very useful tool for an optician because it allows complete screening of the main visual disorders in less than 5 minutes. Moreover, with the VisioClick® accessory, the operator does not need to be present during the test process.
The VT1 Master GT is the most complete model in our range. It is equipped with sensitivity and glare resistance tests to perform, among other things, complete screening for driver vision. The Master model contains all tests except those related to sensitivity and glare resistance.

Respiration Products

Asthma is a respiratory disease related to chronic inflammation of the bronchi characterized by obstruction of the airways leading to the lungs.


  • Wheezing
  • Chest tightness
  • Cough
  • Breathlessness

There are more than 4 million asthmatics in France (6.7% of the population and 9% of children). It is the leading chronic disease of children and causes 1000 deaths per year in the under 65s. (Source Asthme et allergies association).

The Spirolyser® Q13® spirometer is a tool for the diagnosis and management of asthmatics. If you have asthma and have never had a spirometry test, talk to your doctor.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) affects more than 3.5 million people (7.5% of the adult population have COPD). 16,000 patients die from it annually, i.e. 3% of deaths in France.

Diagnosis can be made by spirometry demonstrating the “obstructive ventilatory disorder”.

Smoking is by far the main risk factor in developed countries: 30% of smokers who exceed 1 packet/day for 20 years will develop COPD, i.e. 2,500,000 cases in France.


  • Chronic cough upon waking, “smoker’s cough”
  • Shortness of breath on effort, attributed to a lack of fitness. (Source : Pneumocourlancy).
  • The Spirolyser® Q13® helps to identify COPD-related disorders.

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