How to Use Spirometer on Your Patients

Our single-use spirometers have q-flow sensors that come individually sealed in printed, pre-cut sachets. Being for single-patient-use only means the risks of cross-infection are considerably less. This also relieves the physician from the tedious task of disinfecting them after use and calibrating them beforehand. This post explains how to use spirometer on your patients in non-technical detail.

How to Use Spirometer on Your Patients under Supervision

We recommend that initial use is under medical supervision. After that, post-surgical patients may be able to use one at home, in order to improve their breathing capacity progressively. Our professional, user-friendly, and intuitive design facilitates self-treatment. Here are the basics of how to use spirometer on your patients in simple terms to help you explain it in an easier manner. You can access the technical details on our website.

  • Ask the patient to sit comfortably on the edge of their bed or in an upright chair. If they are bedridden ask them to sit up as far as they can.
  • After removing it from the sachet, fit the disposable mouthpiece, without touching it. Place it between their lips asking them to seal them around the mouthpiece.
  • Ask them to breathe in slowly and as deeply as possible. The piston should rise all the way to your setting. A weak patient may have difficulty doing this.
  • Ask them to hold their breath as long as comfortably possible. Then allow them to breathe out gradually as the piston slowly falls to its original position.
  • They should cough after every 10 sets of iterations in order to clear their lungs. Have them cover any surgical incision with a pillow to support it.

Our spirometer design incentivizes patients as they can physically watch the progress as they reach towards their goal. Allow them to rest for a few seconds before repeating the process. Typical treatment includes 10 to 15 repetitions every 1 to 2 hours, with progress indicated towards normal, healthy breathing.

Exceptions and Notes for the Doctor

Encourage the patient to persist if they are unable to breathe as deeply. This can be disheartening and they may require encouragement. Should they become lightheaded or dizzy pause the treatment, remove the mouthpiece, and allow them to breathe normally until they recover.

Technical Advantages of the Depisteo Spirometer

Our computerized Spirolyser Q13 uses patented single-use FLEISCH-type sensors. The proprietary sachet packs ensure the operator’s hands never touch them, while an innovative ejection system makes them readily disposable. Onboard Spirowin Expert software benefits from an interface that is easy to use, and delivers:

  • Spirometry testing including Slow Vital Capacity, Forced Vital Capacity, Maximal Voluntary Ventilation; Pre/Post.
  • Displayed predicted values of CECA (ECCS), KNUDSON, ITS, POLGAR, NHANES III downloadable in PDF format.
  • Online volume/time curves in real time, indicated lung aging, and test comparisons determined from a secured database.

Independent bacteriological laboratory testing shows that there is virtually no risk (99.999%) of cross-contamination between patients, provided a single patient uses a sensor mouthpiece. As medical professional – or health professional such as occupational health worker – you can use spirometer on your patients in confidence and with the right precautions.